Performed by: Alice & Battiato
Music by: Franco Battiato
Lyrics by: Rosario Consentino, Giusto Pio
Conductor: Giusto Pio
Language: Italian
Placing: 5th (70 points)
Other versions: English, Spanish

I treni di Tozeur

The trains of Tozeur

Nei villaggi di frontiera guardano passare i treni In the frontier villages they watch the trains passing
Le strade deserte di Tozeur The deserted roads of Tozeur
Da una casa lontana, tua madre mi vede From a distant house, your mother sees me
Si ricorda di me delle mie abitudini And she remembers me for my habits
E per un istante ritorna la voglia And for a moment returns my desire
Di vivere a un'altra velocità Of living at a different pace
Passano ancora lenti i treni per Tozeur Still the trains for Tozeur are passing by slowly
Nelle chiese abbandonate si preparano rifugi In the abandoned churches, they prepare shelters
E nuove astronavi per viaggi interstellari And new spaceships for journeys among the stars
In una vecchia miniera, distese di sale In an old empty mine, the salt extends
E un ricordo di me, come un incantesimo And I seem to remember it, like a dream
E per un istante ritorna la voglia And for a moment returns my desire
Di vivere a un'altra velocità Of living at a different pace
Passano ancora lenti i treni per Tozeur Still the trains for Tozeur are passing by slowly
Mmm... Mmm...
Dai daba daba da... Dai daba daba da...
Nanai na nana nanana nana... Nanai na nana nanana nana...
Nana dabai da nana... Nana dabai da nana...
Doch wir wollen dir ihn zeigen Still we want to show him to you
Und du wirst... And you will...
Nei villaggi di frontiera guardano passare In the frontier villages, they watch
I treni per Tozeur The trains passing by for Tozeur

The lyrics also contain a few words in German.

The unfinished sentence "Doch wir wollen dir ihn zeigen und du wirst..." is in fact quoted from Mozarts opera The Magic Flute (Die Zauberflöte). The full sentence goes: "Doch wir wollen ihn dir zeigen und du wirst mit Staunen sehn daß er dir sein Herz geweiht". Translated: "Still we want to show him to you and you will with astonishment see that he consecrates his heart to you".
  • Tozeur - governorate of Tunisia