Performed by: Joe Grech
Music by: Joe Grech
Lyrics by: Charles Mifsud
Conductor: Anthony Chircop
Language: Maltese
Placing: 18th (52 points)

Marija l-Maltija

The Maltese Maria

M'hemmx li jdur l-iżveljarin Can't wait for the alarm clock to go round
Nistenna li jgħaddi l-ħin I'm waiting for the time to pass
Putirjal mimli bit-tama Full of hope, I'll be waiting for you
Ħdejn il-funtana nkun nistenniek Next to the fountain at Putirjal
Sabiex moħħi jsib is-serħ So that my mind will be at ease
Qalbi tintela' bil-ferħ You'll fill my heart with joy
Il fortuna laqqgħatni miegħek Fortune made you come my way
Ħelu d-destin Sweet destiny
Marija, Marija, Marí Maria, Maria, Mary
Ismek fuq fomm kulħadd, isem ferrieħ For everyone your name means happiness
Marija, Marija, Marí Maria, Maria, Mary
Bħal ward li jfewwaħ ġnien tant hu sabiħ You're like the roses that fill a garden with sweet smells
Kulur ħaddejk lewn xrar in-nar The colour of your cheeks is as red as fire
Minn ġos-smewwiet From heaven above
L-Anġli ġabu żewġ kwiekeb kbar The angels brought two big stars
Blu, blu, dawk għajnejk sbieħ Blue, blue are your beautiful eyes
Tbissima ta' mistrieħ A peaceful smile
Denja li tkun bint Malta So worthy to be a daughter of Malta
Marija l-Maltija The Maltese Maria
M'hemmx li jdur l-iżveljarin Can't wait for the alarm clock to go round
Nistenna li jgħaddi l-ħin I'm waiting for the time to pass
Putirjal mimli bit-tama Full of hope, I'll be waiting for you
Fejn il-funtana nkun nistennik Next to the fountain at Putirjal
Sabiex moħħi jsib is-serħ So that my mind will be at ease
Qalbi tintela' bil-ferħ You'll fill my heart with joy
Il fortuna laqqgħatni miegħek Fortune made you come my way
Ħelu d-destin Sweet destiny
Marija, Marija, Marí Maria, Maria, Mary
Ismek fuq fomm kulħadd, isem ferrieħ For everyone your name means happiness
Marija, Marija, Marí Maria, Maria, Mary
Bħal ward li jfewwaħ ġnien tant hu sabiħ You're like the roses that fill a garden with sweet smells
Kulur ħaddejk lewn xrar in-nar The colour of your cheeks is as red as fire
Minn ġos-smewwiet From heaven above
L-Anġli ġabu żewġ kwiekeb kbar The angels brought two big stars
Blu, blu, dawk għajnejk sbieħ Blue, blue are your beautiful eyes
Tbissima ta' mistrieħ A peaceful smile
Denja li tkun bint Malta So worthy to be a daughter of Malta
Marija l-Maltija The Maltese Maria
Marija l-Maltija The Maltese Maria

Translation by Abner Buttigieg.

  • Putirjal - Central bus terminal of Valletta